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Comfortable, Convenient, and Powerful Breast Pumps

Sale on Selected Breast Pump Models ️‍🔥

The Night Owl Wearable Breast Pump

Returning To Work Rights

In Australia, parents returning to work after maternity leave have several rights protected under the Fair Work Act 2009.

These include the right to return to their pre-parental leave position or an equivalent role if that position no longer exists.

Employees are also entitled to request flexible working arrangements, such as part-time work or adjusted hours, to accommodate caregiving responsibilities. Employers must seriously consider these requests but can only refuse on reasonable business grounds. Additionally, breastfeeding parents have the right to take breaks for nursing or expressing milk in a supportive and private place in a work environment.

Australian Return To Work Rights For Parents

Australian Human Rights Commision (AHRC)

Information on discrimination related to pregnancy, parental leave, and returning to work.

AHRC - Parents Returning to Work

Fair Work Ombudsman

Information on parental leave rights, returning to work, and flexible work arrangements.

Fair Work Ombudsman - Parental Leave

Australian Government Services (Centrelink)

Financial support programs such as Parental Leave Pay, Child Care Subsidy, and Family Tax Benefit.

Centrelink - Parents and Families

Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA)

Support for breastfeeding while working, including tips for expressing milk and talking to employers about breastfeeding.

ABA - Breastfeeding and Work

National Employment Standards (NES)

Guide to workplace rights for parents, including the right to request flexible working conditions and return to your pre-parental leave position.

NES - Flexible Work Arrangements

Child Care Finder (Australian Government)

Help with locating quality, affordable child care options in your area.

Child Care Finder